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  • 24 April 2020

    Glass half full?

    By FMB

    You might think it's hard to remain optimistic in the current climate, but it depends where you look.

    I’ve been reading the financial news and blogs in recent weeks and wondering what our clients really need to know. What would be helpful right now? To be honest, I’m finding it quite hard to discover anything to report that you couldn’t work out for yourself…

    “Trying to

  • 17 April 2020

    FMB Lockdown Chef

    By FMB


    At FMB, we're all about taking care of your finances to free up your time to do better things. Right now everyone has a little more time on their hands including our resident chef Roger Jackson who shares his culinary adventures in Lockdown land!

    Tuesday 23rd March 2020, Lockdown – day 1.

    I ordered a Sous Vide precision cooker on the advice of a friend and fellow

  • We are all concerned about our physical health during the spread of Covid-19, especially those who have medical conditions. Many of us are also concerned about our mental health with all the worry about our loved ones, loneliness, relationship issues from enforced isolation and lack of focus and routine. Worry and distress have been compounded for many with the addition of

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    Financial Management Bureau Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered office: Shenstone House, Helsington, Kendal, Cumbria LA8 8AA. Registered number: 02089786
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