News & Blog

In this section:

  • • Values based investing is our preferred term for what some might call “ethical”, “sustainable” or “socially responsible” investing.

    • Vales are personal, so fund managers may differ in opinion as to what constitutes “ethical”

    • You can apply negative criteria to help choose which funds might match your values e.g. a fund that does NOT invest in tobacco manufacture and

  • Putting off retirement has been a feature of modern life for some time as state retirement age gets pushed back and the prospect of a longer life makes retiring at 60 very expensive.

    However according to research by Legal and General it looks as though the economic disruption as a result of the Corona Virus outbreak has given an increasing number of would be retirees

  • 04 June 2020

    Everything will NOT change

    By FMB

    I keep reading that we will begin a new normal, that everything will change and nothing will ever be the same again. Thanks to the pandemic lockdown we have learned new habits and discovered a different way of living. I’m not sure. I think that after a period of time, things will pretty much revert to how they were. I’m not saying that some good won’t come of this. I’m

  • I’m no psychologist, but part of my job when Marketing FMB is to think about what messages will hit home when talking to clients and potential new clients. I’ve just been listening to a webinar by Dr Thomas Mather from the Behavioural Insights Team at Aegon Cofunds to learn more about how people make decisions about their finances.

    95% of our decision making comes from

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