Your financial freedom awaits but when is YOUR financial freedom day?
Clearly thousands of people are looking on Google for the answer. Many people assume they will retire at state pension age, or the age which has been defined by a scheme to which they or their company have paid in.
Shouldn’t that day be defined by YOU?
Some people can’t wait for freedom. To others work is not a burden, it is a pleasure which they don’t want to give up.
At FMB we use cashflow modelling software to give you a clear picture of when your financial freedom day could be. The sooner you find out, you can make steps to bring that closer. You do not have to wait for an arbitrary day, if you can find another way to fund the gap.
Your financial plan evolves as the years go by, but using the cashflow model we have created with all your assets and liabilities we can begin to build a picture of when that day could be. As it gets closer we can be more specific and really close in on the wonderful day!
But hold on….you get there and actually that freedom no longer seems as important. You are still healthy, happy and enjoying work. Maybe you can afford to go part time, work in another role or take on some voluntary work.
Now it is a CHOICE! Not something dictated to you by the government or a pension scheme.
Wouldn’t that be great….
If you want to find out your state pension age you can use an online calculator we recommend you ask for a state pension forecast NOW no matter what age you are. You need to make sure you are paying or have paid the right National Insurance contributions so you can get your full state pension.
Read more about how cashflow modelling at FMB works, if you think this could help you plan for your financial freedom get in touch today. There is no charge for an initial discussion with a Financial Planner.