Charitable Company Contributions

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Caption: Judging Begins at 'The Great Kendal Bake Off'

As a business, we think it is important to support charity as and when we can. We have supported many causes over the years including South Lakeland Hydrotherapy Trust, Children in Need, Macmillan Cancer Support and Save the Children, to name just a few. However, we don’t just give money to charities; many of our team donate blood regularly during office hours and we have recently started a company ‘Day for Good’ whereby we are supporting staff to give up one of their working days to support a cause of their choosing. On Tuesday, Relationship Manager, Alister Owen took part in 'The Great Kendal Bake Off' in aid of Cumbria Alcohol and Drugs Advisory Service (CADAS) and Manna House. Unfortunately, Alister didn't win with his famous lemon drizzle cake but was commended on the taste which he was scored 10/10 for. Well done Alister!

Our Director of Business Development, Ruth Power, gives a lot of her time acting as Trustee for South Lakeland Hydrotherapy Trust (Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool) and I act as vice-chair of the board of Trustees for South Lakeland Carers. It is really rewarding having this element of involvement with two fantastic local charities which are helping people in our local area to access services and care that they may not otherwise not get. We have ethical practice at the heart of everything we do and we’re always looking for good causes to support, both locally and nationally too!

I estimate that our team have contributed over 200 hours supporting charity this year alone - the majority of which being for our local area. A truly incredible effort and something which we, as a company, are extremely proud of!

Roger Jackson, Director of Financial Planning

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