A Day in the Life of... FMB's Director of Business Development

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The next instalment of our 'A Day in the Life of' series sees Ruth Power walk us through a typical day as FMB's Director of Business Development...

"Most days start with e-mails. I subscribe to some financial bloggers and publications to keep abreast of what is happening so I can use the knowledge in our marketing. Usually, there are some e-mails to action, usually around organising an event or catching up with professional connections.

I might spend quite a lot of time in the day writing. This can be for documents to be used in the business e.g. standard letters and brochures, agendas and minutes, as well as external content for presentations, blogs, newsletter content and social media posts.

Another part of the day will be spent on the logistics of organising people and resources. Planning for upcoming events can be rather time-consuming and I am also the meeting organiser for the Management Team and Company Secretary for the Board.

Most days, I tend to have a networking meeting of some sort. This could just be a networking lunch or seminar or I might be speaking or presenting something which would require some preparation beforehand.

Another small portion of the day might be spent record-keeping or analysing our marketing strategy. This could involve using tools such as Google Analytics, Management Information reporting from our back-office system or data from our e-mail database. Regular monitoring enables us to evaluate and plan the next steps in our marketing strategy and I often meet with our Marketing Co-ordinator, Rebecca to discuss this. I also record and monitor the contact we have with professional connections to make sure this happens regularly.

No two days are the same, but over a year the job is quite cyclical and regular jobs pop up, such as Annual Returns to Companies House, the Annual Conference and our Business Strategy cycle which I monitor."

Ruth Power, Director of Business Development

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