A Day in the Life of... FMB's Business Operations Assistant

By Gill Lawson on 

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Caption: FMB Business Operations Assistant, Gill Lawson

The next instalment of our 'A Day in the Life of' series sees Gill Lawson walk us through a typical day as FMB's Business Operations Assistant.

So the magic begins early doors.. the kids get the school bus at 7.55am so its lunchboxes, uniforms, PE kits, homework checks and breakfast before making sure that they leave on time to catch the bus (I'm proud of the fact that we've only nearly missed it once!).

Following this chaos, I am able to prepare for the day ahead and if there is any food left in the fridge after the boys' breakfast, I'll make myself some lunch and set off for work. One large cup of tea later finds me sitting at my desk and ready to start my working day.

First things first, I catch up on my emails and work my way through any requiring action and print off any new invoices that I have received.

Once I'm up to date with emails, I input all the payments that need to be made from the bank. This week, I also need to organise the childcare voucher payments to ensure that the nurseries receive them on time and that they are deducted from this month's payroll.

I go on to check the bank for any income payments that we have received from providers and log them on our back-office system accordingly. I fill out a couple of weekly spreadsheets which provides a summary of income received and payments made which I forward on to the Directors.

Finally, I make sure that all entries are input on to Sage for the income, petty cash, credit card and invoices (including direct debits) due for payment. Each transaction made and received must be input onto Sage and reconciled on the system ready for our Account Consultant, Kate’s next visit to the office to balance the whole month end.

With effect from the 1st of the following month, the whole rolling process starts again.

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