Corona Virus Update

By FMB on 

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We are a bit like a stuck record every time there is some kind of uncertainty which threatens economic disaster. At the risk of being repetitive I will lay out our key investment principles at FMB. Of course we are always here to chat with you if you feel you want some additional reassurance and advice.

  • When you make an investment we look at your goals and objectives, your time horizon, you appetite for risk and how you feel about losing money.
  • We ensure your portfolio of investments is diversified to reflect whatever you have decided about the above. Generally speaking diversification spreads risk.
  • We invest our clients money in multi-asset managed or tracker funds from the best companies we can with teams of experts and researchers. We know they are all working hard to minimise any losses and remember, while prices are low they will be hunting for bargains.
  • If you cash in your investments when they have dropped, the loss is crystalised or made "real". Sit tight, take advice and never do anything rash. Stick to the plan which is always a long term strategy.
  • Take heart in the history of the stock markets, we have survived world wars, major depressions and many upheavals. We wouldn't still be investing our money if there was no track record of long term growth!

In practical terms we are also taking precautions just as other employers are. It's only sensible to plan. Many of our staff are geared up to work remotely so we can continue running the business and if you feel you don't want to venture out we are set up for skype or telephone meetings. We are taking extra cleaning precautions and following our pandemic flu staff policy. Fingers crossed it will all be for nothing!

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