News & Blog

  • People are increasingly seeking financial guidance on social media. While financial influencers – or ‘finfluencers’ – can be useful in raising awareness around financial matters, there is also a darker side to the growth of unregulated advisers.

    Social media age

    In the UK, more than one in four people use some combination of social media, community messaging apps and

  • 26 April 2024

    Where next for the global economy?

    By FMB

    While the latest forecast released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) does suggest global growth is likely to remain below its long-term historic average, the update did strike a relatively optimistic note with the organisation’s Chief Economist saying a global "soft landing" was in sight.

    Global growth upgraded

    In its first assessment of world economic prospects

  • 25 April 2024

    Investor Confidence Returns

    By FMB

    Increased investor confidence in equity funds over the last few months has been evidenced by a leading Index*, with UK investors at their most bullish in almost three years.

    Equity fund inflows reached £2.01bn in January, one of the top ten months on record and the highest since April 2021. In addition, the January Index reported:

    • US equity funds had record inflows of £

  • With the UK in the midst of a sharp tax-raising drive, understanding the full impact of fiscal changes on investments has arguably never been so critical. One area that has been subject to particularly draconian reductions is Dividend Allowance, with changes in this area likely to have a significant impact on many investors.

    Six-year slide

    The annual tax-free Dividend

  • 11 July 2023

    Striking a balance

    By FMB

    While recent financial challenges have taken their toll on everyone’s pockets, it comes as no surprise that parents are putting concerns about their children’s finances above their own, as highlighted in a recent survey of advisers*.

    Over half (55%) of the advisers surveyed noted that adult children were taking priority in clients’ wealth planning at present, with many

  • Although the global economy continues to face significant headwinds, statistics released during the first few months of this year have revealed unexpected signs of resilience. This has led economists to begin upgrading growth forecasts, while the World Economic Forum’s latest Chief Economists Outlook reported signs of ‘nascent optimism.’

    Growth stronger than expected

  • 20 January 2023

    Supporting your children's future

    By FMB

    With the current generation of graduates typically leaving university with a mountain of debt, it is perhaps unsurprising that so many parents are now looking to ease the burden by investing on their children’s behalf.

    University challenge

    Government statistics show the average debt accumulated by a university student is currently around £45,000. Thankfully, graduates

  • 03 January 2023

    Investment focus for the new year

    By FMB

    By any comparison, the past 12 months have been tough for investors with a series of shocks impacting markets and, as 2023 dawns, uncertainties remain. One constant on the investment horizon, though, is the requirement to be strategic with your portfolio. A sound strategy based on careful planning; making purposeful decisions, based on thorough research and reliable

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