This session's topic - travel tips and hacks for a smooth journey
We often think our clients have a lot in common, if only they knew each other. We aim to educate but also be social with our events. Our staff came up with the idea of offering a regular meeting to stimulate, educate and be social at the same time, especially for those of you who are retired.
Our 'Conversation and Coffee' sessions will be an informal morning with lovely refreshments and the chance to meet other like-minded folk. We will also set a theme for each one so there will be some debate and stimulating conversation and a chance to learn from each other. A couple of us from FMB will chip in as well!
Future dates and topics
Monday 10th June - To be confirmed
- Refreshments and introductions
- Small group discussions with questions to help get started
- Ruth round up the main points to whole group
The idea is to share our collective wisdom, get things off our chest and meet new people as well. Some of you will want to come as a couple, also many of our clients are widowed or divorced and we would be more than happy for you to bring a friend along too.
What to do
If you would like to join us, please just drop Ruth an e-mail or call reception on 01539 725855 and let us know. We just need to know to ensure we are prepared for the number of cars visiting us.