Investors who receive financial advice are four times less likely to be vulnerable than the general population, according to analysis*.
The study looked at a cohort of more than 5,000 advised investors, assessing them using a psychometric financial wellbeing questionnaire. Designed by an in-house behavioural psychologist, the questionnaire was designed to find and evaluate indicators of vulnerability across aspects such as health, life events, resilience and capabilities.
Significantly fewer advised clients were found to be highly vulnerable, despite being affected by such events in similar proportions to the general population.
Less impacted by adverse events
For example, 41% of advised clients had a health condition or illness, but only 3% said these challenges reduce their ability to carry out day-to-day activities. Similarly, 30% said they’d experienced a difficult life event in the past 12 months, but just 3% showed high vulnerability by saying it prevented them from doing the things they want to.
Advised investors also enjoy strong financial resilience, with six in 10 saying they feel they can cope with financial challenges. Very positively, almost half feel they are knowledgeable about financial matters, while almost eight in 10 said they were confident in their ability to manage their finances.
*Dynamic Planner, 2024
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