News & Blog

In this section:

  • This recent crisis has really brought out the best and the worst in humanity.

    From stories of fights breaking out in supermarkets to wonderful examples of community spirit, every facet of human nature has been exposed.

    It would be nice to dwell on the positive, but we wanted to highlight some of the worst examples of people exploiting the current situation through

  • Some frequently asked questions about the current investment situation

    In this ever changing situation we are receiving e-mails from all the fund managers and investment companies on an hourly basis. I wanted to share this from Aberdeen Standard with you, because I thought it was helpful, to the point and mirrors exactly the kind of conversations we are having (on the

  • 18 March 2020

    We are here for you

    By FMB

    Message from FMB Managing Director, Liz Beavis

    As you know from the many conversations with your Financial Planner over the years, we always take a long term view of investing. We tell people to sit tight in a crisis and certainly do not cash in any investments that you don’t need to.

    However, we are seeing an unprecedented level of volatility right now and it would be

  • 02 March 2020

    Corona Virus Update

    By FMB

    We are a bit like a stuck record every time there is some kind of uncertainty which threatens economic disaster. At the risk of being repetitive I will lay out our key investment principles at FMB. Of course we are always here to chat with you if you feel you want some additional reassurance and advice.

    • When you make an investment we look at your goals and objectives,
    © FMB 2017 - 2025. All rights reserved.
    Financial Management Bureau Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
    Financial Management Bureau Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered office: Shenstone House, Helsington, Kendal, Cumbria LA8 8AA. Registered number: 02089786
    The Financial Ombudsman Service is available to sort out individual complaints that clients and financial services businesses aren't able to resolve themselves. To contact the Financial Ombudsman Service please visit
