News & Blog

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  • The next instalment of our 'A Day in the Life of' series sees Roger Jackson walk us through a typical day as FMB's Director of Financial Planning...

    "I arrive at the office just after 9am after dropping my children at school and nursery. I’ve already checked and cleared my emails first thing from home, so I’m able to get straight into the day ahead.

    As the Director of

  • The next instalment of our 'A Day in the Life of' series sees Rebecca Wilson walk us through a typical day as FMB's Marketing Co-ordinator...

    "After dropping my son at nursery, I make my way to the office. First things first, I make myself a coffee (a morning essential!) and head to my desk to start working my way through emails and flag any that require attention. I have

  • 01 November 2019

    Why seek financial advice?

    By FMB

    A new publication by Aegon dropped into my inbox this week. It's designed to encourage consumers to take financial advice. With access to so much information on-line you might wonder how there is still a market for face to face advice, but as the sign in some GP practices points out; "Don't confuse your Google search with my medical degree!", the same applies.

    The booklet

  • What better way to get to know your colleagues than a 24 mile walk? We asked Charlie to tell us about her experience of the Ullswater Way Challenge last weekend.

    "I've barely been at FMB a few weeks, but I had the opportunity to join in with some of the team for their attempt at the Ullswater Way Challenge. It seemed a great opportunity to get to know the team better

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